Cobie Smulders Covers April 2014 Issue of Self Magazine, Talks Winter Soldier

Posted on April 3, 2014

Cobie Smulders covers the April 2014 issue of Self magazine. Cobie is wearing a Roxy wet suit on the cover. In the interview, Cobie talks about stunts in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and overcoming her fears.

On Stunts in Winter Soldier: "I don't get to do too many stunts as Maria Hill. When I got the script for Winter Soldier, I was so excited to see that my character finally gets to punch somebody! So I took tae kwon do three times a week. I wanted to feel like I could hold my own in a roomful of superheroes. When I called the assistant director to say, 'I'm game for a stunt,' she said they had to shoot it with my double. I was so bummed. At least it will help offscreen if something ever goes down!"

On Overcoming Fear: "I seek out things that terrify me, like an improv class. I'm terrified of sharks, but I scuba dive. I'm not good at auditioning, but I force myself to do it all the time. I've never met anybody who is fearless, but the more you push against your own boundaries, the easier it becomes to push. Fake it 'til you make it. In a moment of panic, think of all the things you're grateful for. It works."

Cobie says she loved the wet suit because she scuba dives and goes snorkeling. Here is the behind-the-scenes video:

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