Charles Dance Narrates Intense BBC 2014 Winter Olympics Trailer

Posted on January 16, 2014

Charles Dance is known to Game of Thrones fans for his role as Tywin Lannister. Dance also narrates this awesome new trailer from the BBC about its upcoming 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics overage.

The footage, along with Dance's narration, could almost be mistaken for scene from a Game of Thrones episode set on The Wall.

In the absolutely awesome -- and somewhat disturbing -- trailer, Dance intones, "I am the dreadful menace. The one whose will is done. The haunting chill upon your neck. I am the conundrum. Not you, nor any other can fathom what is nigh." Finally the camera pulls back to show the Olympians showing up in full winter gear, ready to take on the Fearsome Mountain. This is the best commercial for the Olympics ever made, hands down. Take a look:

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